Why send your child to Sussex Christian School?
Written by Jonathan Kuperus, SCS School Board President
For more than 62 years, Sussex Christian School has provided a high quality and distinctive Christian education to students from Preschool to Grade 8 from Sussex County, New Jersey, Orange County, New York and Eastern Pike County, Pennsylvania.
Our teachers are passionate about being positive, Christian mentors and providing strong academics. Our community is dedicated to preparing young people to live fully for God in a rapidly changing world, with the ability to understand, evaluate, and transform their world from the foundation of God’s unchanging Word.
Our school age children are constantly pressured by drugs, sexual issues and violence even at the youngest ages. The priorities of academic and moral standards are increasingly not aligned with the Christian worldview. Many Christian parents are seeking a solid academic experience with a Biblical foundation in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment like SCS. They wanted a culture free from the worldly pressures, and they were willing to invest financially to achieve those priorities.
They understand that we cannot distance God from academics as their children develop necessary life skills as we help them reach their God-given potential. At Sussex Christian School, our faculty and staff are equipped to address each of these developing areas of a child’s life. They work hard to cultivate a strong Biblical worldview in which God has His rightful place, and where the Bible is the guidance in answering life’s big questions. Our teachers enhance children’s spiritual development in an intentional, nurturing manner.
A Christian education at SCS will help your child grow spiritually, academically, and socially. In fact, the recent Cardus Education Survey and other education studies show that Christian schools like Sussex Christian School help to develop the whole child better than any other type of school.
“Here are just a few of the reasons why we believe it is a great idea to invest in your child with a Sussex Christian School education.
1. Safety and security are some of our biggest priorities
A farmer protects his young crops – allowing them to develop before putting them out in the world of bugs and weeds. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We need to train up our young people to prepare them for life as a Christian adult. Exposing them to the bugs and weeds of society will not make them stronger, it will make them weaker.
2. We provide a loving and nurturing environment
At SCS, every teacher of your son or daughter has been carefully selected and is worthy of imitation, because we know they will be imitated. Furthermore, as your children grow, the influence of peers during the teen years is proven greater than that of teachers and parents. I Corinthians 15:33, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” or paraphrased, “Bad company ruins good morals.” Our teachers will foster a nurturing atmosphere to grow Christian friendships. Though the Christian school is not perfect, the benefit of Christian friends will prove to be a positive life long influence.
3. We are warned to avoid being corrupted by secular philosophy
We are warned to avoid being corrupted by secular philosophy. Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” There are many agendas driving secular education and in many cases are contrary to the Christian’s beliefs and lifestyle.
This is the purpose of Sussex Christian School, to help the Christian family raise their children so that they have a desire to love and serve Jesus Christ and to grow in “wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52
To learn more about enrollment at SCS, visit www.sussexchristianschool.org/admissions.